By Chia Chia Cheng, L.Ac.
I haven’t had ice cream in 19 days. Yet, I feel like what that lady looks like savoring her ice cream cone. I am savoring my commitment to myself.
I Don’t Know Comfort Food
In the first draft of this piece I wrote about how I didn’t know what comfort food was for me. I pretty much grew up in the United States. Grew up on bologna sandwiches, milk and hot dogs. My favorite cereal was Coco Puffs. Even named my dog Coco.
What’s unique about me is that I don’t have an association with any of the typical American comfort foods like pasta, burgers, or cookies. While pregnant I experienced no particular cravings. Whenever I’m sick or feeling down I don’t crave a hamburger or a bag of flaming hot Cheetos.
Then it hit me. Maybe freshly baked organic sour dough is my comfort food. I say maybe because I’ll eat the crusty ends and soft center any time of the day, no matter what my mood is.
I haven’t had any bread in 6 weeks. I feel great! Not necessarily because of a physical change or benefit. For me, not eating bread is all psychological. Somehow I’ve shifted my love of organic sour dough to eating vegetables two to three times a day. Bowls of it.
What the 21 Day Purification Program has Taught Me
Currently I’m on Day 18 of Purification. We are a group of 8 people who have been drinking protein shakes and eating enormous amounts of vegetation, enough to feed a small herd of goats. This is my 4th go around on this veggie based “cleanse.” We added animal protein on Day 11. Just in time.
Like previous times, I haven’t lost any weight or inches. I drink my shakes without ceremony. I eat my veggies. Meanwhile I have bags of Doritos, Ruffles, Lindt chocolate, and a Costco size of Cinnamon Toast Crunch in the pantry.
I open the freezer drawer once a day to take inventory of the 3 pints of Talenti Caribbean Coconut ice cream. I haven’t eaten organic sourdough bread in 6 weeks. ( I gave that up 3 weeks before starting the 21 Day Purification Program.) I’m still standing. And so are the other 7 friends who make up my Purification community. None of those forbidden items are taunting me with their steadfast presence in my kitchen.
What I learned from these last 18 days is this–While I have difficulty setting and maintaining boundaries in practically all other aspects of my life, I am committed in holding the boundaries around what I put into my body. This is the clarity that I have gained in doing the Purification for the 4th time.
The one area of my life I have complete control and awareness is what and when I put into my body. And this determines how I feel and what I think.
Daily Check In with My Community
I’ve been sending out daily texts to each participant in the 21 Day Purification Program. I also post daily on Instagram @chiapainfreeliving. Being on a diet that allows all the veggies you could ever want to eat but generally don’t ever eat is a major challenge on its own. You learn really fast how crucial plant based fat is for fuel and for feeling satiated.
You start focusing on all the things you can’t eat instead of considering all the veggies you can eat. Of course alcohol and coffee are on the forbidden list. (alcohol for obvious reasons, coffee bc so many use this for energy) Green tea is your only source of caffeine. (Helps with digestion) Sounds like prison, doesn’t it?
Being part of a community is what has helped the 8 of us feel connected in a greater cause. A communal movement towards wellbeing and mindfulness.
Having the ability to check in with me via text or call is reassuring to those doing the Purification with me. I have enjoyed hearing about their challenges, seeing their food creations, problem solving their cravings. We are mutually supporting each other. It has a summer camp-like affect. I have gotten closer to each one of them as they allow me access to their creativity and struggles.
What Day 22 Will Look Like
I realize I am future tripping. It gives me something to look forward to. The last time I did the 21 Day Purification Program I went straight to the freezer on Day 22 and ate a half a pint of Talenti ice cream. After eating my veggies, of course. I did this with 100% intention. I was giddy. I enjoyed every spoonful.
I’ll also be starting Chinese New Year with a renewed sense of commitment to living with joy and intention.
Year of the Rat: Your Second Chance
Chinese New Year falls on January 25th this year. If you have blown your 2020 goal(s) in the first three weeks, consider Chinese New Year a reset for you. It’s not cheating. Rather, it’s about being kind to yourself, reassessing your strategy, and starting again.
You don’t need to call it a failure. Or a weakness. Instead you call it your first achievement.
Even not achieving your goal is achieving. Simply by the fact that you tried. You have achieved in recognizing what doesn’t work and recommitted to making it work.
You made an effort to make a change. You were brave enough to step into something new. Be sure to give yourself a thumbs up for making an effort towards positive change.
The Rat in Chinese Zodiac symbolizes vitality. There’s a reason why the Rat is the first animal to lead the zodiac. It’s the smartest and most adaptable of all the 12 animals. Were you born in the year of the Rat? If so this will be a fantastic year for you!
How Will You Manifest Vitality?
For you 2020 may not be about hindsight. Maybe this year you’ll be curious about what life has to offer. You’ll be open to seeing familiar patterns and relationships with new eyes. 2020 is an opportunity for you to gain clarity in what matters to you.
When you have clarity of vision and intention, you will be able to act on your desires. You will permit yourself to want what seemed previously out of reach. You will make a plan to obtain that which you desire.
Are you in search of community? Follow me @chiapainfreeliving for inspiration on how to live a life of joy and vitality!!
Share this with a friend who needs a little encouragement to keep moving forward! Email me at with your challenges and goals!