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Beyond Acupuncture
With more than 20 years of experience, people continue to report longer lasting relief of their symptoms when Chia Chia combines acupuncture with massage therapy. Massage and other types of body work (e.g. cupping, gua sha, manual myofascial release), when used together with acupuncture, have a synergistic effect.
Patients typically want to skip acupuncture and go straight to the massage. They believe massage is relaxing while acupuncture is all about getting poked like a pin cushion.
Acupuncture is energy medicine. It is common for people to fall asleep during acupuncture. Some describe feeling very relaxed after a session, to the point of wanting to nap instead of going back to work!
In general people experience better results with acupuncture and massage combined. This is because acupuncture loosens tight muscles and tightens loose muscles. Stress puts the body and mind in fight, flight, or freeze mode. Acupuncture resets the nervous system to promote relaxation, digestion, and healing, therefore, bringing the body back to balance.
Gua sha (scraping) and cupping can be used together, on its own or at the same time with acupuncture. Manual therapy includes active release, PNF (proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation) or assisted movement. In Chia Chia’s clinical experience PNF after acupuncture is more effective to reset muscles and promote muscle balance. This combination also restores the pliability of connective tissue and fascia. The benefit is increased flexibility with decreased pain and stiffness.
Patients who have cupping, gua sha and massage therapy during a session report significant relief for 3-5 days afterwards. The same principle of Traditional Chinese Medicine applies, even without the use of needles.
The Importance Of Healing Naturally
There are non-pharmaceutical, non-invasive methods which guide the body towards healing naturally. We offer acupuncture and nutritional/herbal therapy, along with these other modalities:
- Light therapy with Celluma LED Panel
- Manual therapy
- Cupping
- Gua sha
- Far Infrared Heat
- Massage therapy
- Nutritional supplementation (Standard Process)
- Herbal therapy (MediHerb, Great Nature Classics, Blue Poppy, Kan)
- Mindfulness practice
Chia Chia uses a technique called NRT (Nutrition Response Testing) to determine the underlying cause(s) of imbalance in your body. This involves muscle testing (using your arm to ask which kind of support your body needs). We can even determine if the scar that you got years ago is affecting your body’s ability to heal itself.
Assisting the body’s lymphatic system (drainage) is one of the keys to maintain a healthy immune system. A body with an efficient means of elimination and production has the ability to repair and restore cells essential to your vitality.
Pharmaceutical drugs create a build up of chemicals which then requires detoxification. Metabolism of pharma drugs also requires the use of stored vitamins and minerals.
With natural medicine like acupuncture and herbs/nutrition, there is no unwanted side effects to address. Your body will not have deficiencies of important vitamins and minerals. There is no need for detoxification.
Your mind will be empowered by the renewed ability to heal yourself. Your spirit will be lifted by the increased vitality of life. When you have all three aspects of yourself engaged and aligned, this allows you to experience resilience and live joyfully everyday.
The Celluma
Benefits of LED low level light therapy:
- Increases activity of mitochondria to accelerate healing
- Increases formation of collagen and connective tissue
- Increases circulation of blood
- Improves mood by relaxing the nervous system
Low level light therapy has been proven in clinical use to reduce pain in muscles and joints. It does this by supplying light to our body’s cells. Celluma is an LED panel made by Biophotas.
The light is absorbed by the photoacceptors of mitochondria of compromised cells. This increases the production of ATP (adenosine triphosphate), the energy source of all cells. This is how Celluma may increase micro-circulation, promote tissue growth and decrease pain.
Celluma can be used alone or with acupuncture. When used with acupuncture, Celluma increases relaxation.
Gua sha, Cupping, Manual/Massage Therapy
Manual Therapy may be used following your treatment with acupuncture. In conditions involving the musculoskeletal system, Manual Therapy is included as part your office visit with no additional fee. The types of Manual Therapy commonly used are :
- Active release therapy (ART)
- Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation (PNF)
- Assisted range of motion
- Tui Na (Chinese therapeutic massage)
- Myofascial release with cupping or gua sha
Active release is a technique in which the practitioner massages in the opposite direction of the patient’s movement. This technique is effective after acupuncture:
- To reset a specific muscle/muscle group
- To soften connective tissue
- To increase space in joint
Active Release Therapy (ART) followed by acupuncture is more effective than ART alone. It provides the body immediate feedback on a physical level, thereby encouraging proper alignment and joint movement.
Many patients want to skip acupuncture and go straight to the massage. Massage is relaxing while acupuncture is all about getting poked like a pin cushion. This is a common misconception.
Gua sha (scraping) and cupping can be used together, on its own or in conjunction with acupuncture. Manual therapy includes PNF during either assisted or passive movement. In Chia Chia’s clinical experience, PNF after acupuncture is more effective in assisting muscles and connective tissue to return to neutral. The benefit is increased flexibility and strength, with decreased pain and stiffness.
For neck pain, the patient brings chin to chest while the practitioner moves her hands down the patient’s back.
For tightness in the IT band, the patient lowers his leg as the practitioner massages the thigh toward the hip.
Bodywork With Acupuncture
When you work with Chia Chia, you get the benefits of acupuncture and Tui Na (pronounced “tway-nah”) Chinese massage therapy in one session. There is no need for a separate appointment. You experience the immediate effects of both modalities. Chia Chia will also teach you how to perform massage on yourself for continued relief at home.