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Chronic Pain Teaches Self-Compassion

By Chia Chia Cheng, L.Ac. Dip. OM, CNFM

The Buddha once said, “If you think you are enlightened, spend a week with your parents.”

The snow storm in Portland gave me extra days to ponder compassion and the art of letting go. I was once again reminded that I am many light years away from being enlightened.

I found myself saying this, “If you think you are enlightened, try living with chronic pain.”

There are thoughts and beliefs that occur to you when you’re in chronic pain. Reasons for how you feel physically and emotionally. Stories that explain why you are living the life you did not imagine to be living.

Here are some common beliefs I’ve heard over the years:

“I used to be very active when I was young. Now I’m in pain all the time.”

“It didn’t get better after surgery.”

“I’ve done a ton of PT and there’s been no improvement.”

“My husband thinks I’m exaggerating how much I hurt all the time.”

“My wife would rather be in pain than try something new.”

“I’ve tried everything. Nothing helps.”

“I’m tired of living this way. I don’t know what else to do.”

I don’t know what makes one person keep on searching for a way to reduce their chronic pain and another give up. What I do know is that if you do the same thing over and over, even if this is nothing, you will get the same results.

Be open. Be curious. Be empty to receive.

You would never give up on your best friend or your child(ren). Be your Best Self to yourself.

When you feel better everyone around you benefits. Your healing energy has the ability to reach people beyond your immediate circle and touch them in positive ways.

What I can offer you is a different approach. I can educate you regarding your options. I can offer hope.

We when work together we will come up with a treatment plan that takes into consideration your current needs and abilities. Consistency of treatment is key.

Having a community to support you is also vital to your wellbeing and healing. When you choose me as your practitioner, you are adding me to your community.

Let’s begin our work together. Call or text for an appointment to start healing today.